Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Word is Bond.

I have extraordinary people in my life. I have one in particular named Sallomazing but our super hero friends call her Dream Machine.

We made a pact that we would be women of our word. We created an integrity exercise where we would email each other everyday the list of things we planned to do. The first quarter of the year we were kicking ass! but then slowly but surely we started slippin'. Why? Because we were going through it!!!! lol

Prospect Ave and 5th Ave posted on the B63 stop. Maybe someone lucky will find it.

"Purity of the hear is blooming the same colors in the middle of the wilderness when no one else sees you." - Vanna Bonta

Well today, we decided that we would start it up because we both knew that this exercise helped us become the woman we want to be. We re-commit to beingimpeccable with our word (The 4 agreements).

It's not easy but with mindfulness and practice, integrity will prevail.

<3 HG


  1. Wow!!! I threw out my To Do List from yesterday too! But I checked off EVERYTHING on it! I'm out to accomplish that again today... *wipes brow*

    I am so grateful for our friendship. We will be impeccable. We will.

    Mastery = Key

  2. Oh Ash! You are posting post-its on the bus stops with quotes? Man, I love you. That's beautiful! I'm excited to follow your journeys. It was so good to get to laugh and share with you yesterday outside of the 5 minute "hey mama!" at an event. Come over soon. Before its cold! Seriously.
